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Ipas/IHCAR report






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Project related external links on reproductive health and rights, elective abortion care and postabortion care. The tag will be applied for three months after the entry of a link on the site.

United Nations

Abortion policies. A global review
This report was prepared by the Population Division of the United Nations Secretariat. The review presents, in three volumes, a country-by-country examination of national policies concerning induced abortion and the context within which abortion takes place. June 2002

Beijing + 5
UNIFEM's website on the General Assembly Special Session Women 2000: Gender Equality, Development and Peace for the 21st Century

Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing 1995
The UN Beijing declaration and platform for action

ICPD Cairo 1994
Original website with links to background information and the final Programme of Action

Abortion Policies. A global Review
The United Nations Population Division has issued this publication, an updated, country-by-country examination of national policies concerning induced abortion and the context within which abortion takes place. Comparable information is presented for all Member and non-member States of the United Nations. 02-06

The State of World Population 2005
The promise of equality: Gender Equity, Reproductive Health & the MDGs. 05-11

Women's Watch
Women of the World
Browse here for country- and region-specific Commissions and other entities; regional plans of action for women's advancement and empowerment; statistical data about women; biographical information and photos of key players on women's issues all over the World.

World Health Organization

Maternal mortality in 2004
Systematic review on maternal mortality and morbidity. 05-11

The World report on violence and health from WHO
The goals of the report are to raise awareness about the problem of violence globally, to make the case that violence is preventable, and to highlight the crucial role that public health has to play in addressing its causes and consequences. 02-10

Reproductive health
Index page on reproductive health

Prevention of unsafe abortion
WHO reports and links on abortion.
Safe Abortion. Technical and Policy Guidance for Health Systems. 2003.

Non-Governmental Organizations

Abortion Access Project
The Abortion Access Project seeks to ensure access to abortion for all women by increasing abortion services, training new abortion providers, and raising awareness about the critical importance of abortion access to women's lives.
Midlevel providers and abortion. 04-05

The Danish NGO Network on Aids and Development
Under "Publikationer" you will find a pdf-file with
Synergising HIV/AIDS and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights. A manual for NGOs.
On pages 66-68 is a section on Abortion and postabortion care

The Alan Guttmacher Institute (AGI)
Information and statistics worldwide on abortion issues. Fact sheets
Teenage sexual and reproductive behavior in developed countries: can more progress be made?
Despite recent, dramatic declines in U.S. teenage pregnancy and birth rates, these rates continue to be much higher than in most other comparable developed countries. A new multiyear study, conducted with researchers from Canada, Great Britain, France and Sweden, explores why these differences in teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases exist and what can be done. (AGI November 2001).
Mifepristone in the United States: Status and Future The Guttmacher Report Volume 5, Number 3, August 2002

Archives for Family Planning Perspectives (1994-2001) and Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health (2002-)

Catholics for a free choice
If your value formation is Catholic, you are committed to asking hard questions about life and searching for basic principles of justice. CFFC's commitment to reproductive rights and health is rooted in a commitment to the dignity and rights of women. 02-02

Center for Gender Health and Equity (CHANGE)
Advancing gender equity and social justice in international population and health policy.

The Center for Reproductive Law and Policy (CRLP)
Laws and Regulations Affecting Medical Abortion

Clinicians for Choice
Clinicians for Choice, an umbrella organization for Midwives for Choice, Nurse Practitioners for Choice, and Physician Assistants for Choice.
Clinicians for Choice is working to ensure that abortion is legal, safe, and accessible. 02-02

Improving women's health worldwide. Links on postabortion care
Changing Policies and Attitudes: Postabortion Care in the Philippines (pdf, 417 kB)
Compass no 1, 2003. 03-10

Abortion Health Links
Links on Reproductive Health and Abortion. See also RU486 and Medical abortion. 04-06

Human Rights Watch
World report 2002: Women's Human Rights

International Women's Health Coalition.
Safe abortion
Prospects and possibilities for action to expand access to safe abortion services 04-01

Adolescents, unwanted pregnancy and abortion. Policies, counseling and clinical care.(pdf)
A notable gap exists in policymaking and programming to address the consequences of unwanted adolescent pregnancies, including abortion-related care. This document seeks to provide direction on policies, counseling and clinical care that can help prevent unwanted pregnancies and offer abortion-related care tailored to adolescents' needs. 05-11

Publications and Multimedia. 05-11

Global Abortion News Update > May 2005

Ipas announces next generation of a life-saving reproductive-health technology 04-10.
Ipas is pleased to introduce the Ipas MVA Plus™ aspirator, an updated and innovative design of the classic manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) technology for uterine evacuation. Its varied uses include treatment of incomplete abortion and first-trimester abortion or menstrual regulation.

Unsafe Abortion: A Neglected Crisis in Women’s Health..
A new video from Ipas. 03-07

Advancing the Role of Midlevel Providers in Menstrual Regulation And Elective Abortion Care.
Ipas' pressrelease about the conference Expanding Access in South Africa, December 2-6 2001. 02-02

IPPF Charter on Sexual and Reproductive rights
... advocating for the right to safe abortion services

JHPIEGO, Johns Hopkins University
Reproline, Reproductive Health Online
Information on a postabortion care initiative to reduce global levels of maternal mortality and morbidity stemming from complications of unsafe abortion and links on postabortion care

Marie Stopes International

Marie Stopes International offers safe and legal abortion services in the following countries:Albania, India, Romania, South Africa, United Kingdom, Vietnam Click on a country to find out more information. 02-02

National Abortion Federation
Fact sheets on medical and surgical abortions

Planned Parenthood
Fact sheets, Reports and White Papers

Population Action International (PAI)
In A World of Difference: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Risks PAI continues its effort to measure the progress of nations toward achieving the goals set at ICPD in Cairo 1994.
Population Action International Condemns President Bush’s Decision to Withhold U.S. Funding from the UN Population Fund for Fourth Consecutive Year 05-09

Population Reference Bureau
World Population Data Sheet
This database contains data on 85 demographic variables for 221 countries, 28 world regions and sub-regions, the world as a whole, the United States as a whole, and the U.S. states. (Not all countries have data on all variables.) The 2001 datasheet will soon be available on this site. 02-02

PostAbortion Care Concortium
Working together for safe, accessible and comprehensive postabortion care around the world
The Postabortion Care (PAC) Consortium works to inform the reproductive health community about health concerns related to unsafe abortion, and to promote postabortion care as an effective strategy for addressing this global problem. 02-04

Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (Path)
Reproductive Health, Gender and Human Rights: A Dialogue - Chapter 6: Family Planning and Abortion: A Human Rights Perspective (Part 6 of 13)

Population Council
Reproductive Health. Reducing Unsafe Abortion Projects
See also Medical Abortion: Safe, Effective, and Acceptable to Women in Developing Countries

Q Web Women's empowerment base
A worldwide network for exchange of knowledge, experience and ideas on women's health and gender issues.

Women On Waves
We are fighting for womens rights to a safe and legal choice. In many countries, women are criminalised, women are mutilated, women die as a result of criminalising abortion. The facts are are often gruesome and always humiliating violations of human rights. 05-11

Professional Associations

International Confederation of Midwives
The International Confederation of Midwives will advance worldwide the aims and aspirations of midwives in the attainment of improved outcomes for women in their child bearing years, their newborn and their families wherever they reside. 05-11

International Council of Nurses
ICN Advancing Nursing World Wide 1899-2002
The ICN Code for Nurses is the foundation for ethical nursing practice throughout the world. ICN standards, guidelines and policies for nursing practice, education, management, research and socio-economic welfare are accepted globally as the basis of nursing policy. 02-02

International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics
The mission of FIGO is to promote the well-being of women and to raise the standard of practice in obstetrics and gynecology. 02-02

International Federation of Professional Abortion and Contraception Associates (FIAPAC)

  • Obtaining the right to abortion for every woman.
  • Harmonization of legislation concerning abortion according to the basic principles of the Federation.
  • Freedom of access to all abortion methods in all countries. 03-01

    International Society of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology
    A main purpose of ISPOG is to promote the study of psychobiological and psychosocial, ethical and cross-cultural problems in the fields of obstetrics and gynaecology, women's health and reproductive health. 02-02

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    Updated 16 January 2006