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References of interest are displayed under four headings, each of which contains review articles, country reports, technical and clinical studies, research methodology, standards and protocols, and multi-country comparisons from recent years within the section in question.
The references are sorted according to publication year with the most recent ones on top. The tag will be applied for three months after the entry of a link on the site.
- Law and policy
- Abortion technologies
- Service delivery
- Providers of abortion services
Section 1. Law and Policy
Under this heading you will find articles, statements and reports on
- Legislation on abortion and contraception
- Advocacy
- Public education
- Abortion Epidemiology
- Community participation, mobilization
- Client satisfaction
Gerber Fried, Marlene
The Politics of Abortion and Reproductive Justice: Strategies for a Stronger Movement
The article addresses the current politics of the abortion debate, a critique of the "choice" framework traditionally used by reproductive rights advocates, and a call for a movement more broadly defined by reproductive and social justice.
Publisher: Population and Development Program at Hampshire College • No. 38 • Fall 2005, Hampshire, USA
On-line article in pdf-format
Farzaneh Roudi-Fahimi
Islam and Familily Planning
This overview of Islam and family planning is part of a series of Population Reference Bureau policy briefs on the
Middle East and North Africa that analyze population, environment, reproductive health, and development linkages.
Article on-line 04-10
Duff Gillispie
Making abortion rare and safe Lancet 2004;363:74
This paper is one of nine articles and one editorial in the first issue 2004 of The Lancet rewiewing Reproductive health and rights 10 years after the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo.
The articles can be read free on the Lancet website after registration (not subscription). 04-01.
Global Agendas, Local Realities:
Implications of Health Sector Reforms on Women's Access to Reproductive Health Services in India March 7, 2003 Magnolia, India Habitat Center, New Delhi.
Report. 03-06
Ruth Dixon-Mueller, Ph.D. Paul K. B. Dagg, M.D.
Abortion & Common Sense
Xlibris Corp, Philadelphia, USA, 2002
Abstract 1-7. 03-01
International Confederation of Midwives. 2002 Care of Women Post Abortion. Revised version adopted by the International Confederation of Midwives Council, Vienna, Austria, April 2002.
In English,
In Spanish (1996 version) 02-09
International Confederation of Midwives. 1999. ICM Resolution: Legislation to govern midwifery practice. ICM Resolution 99/3/PP. Adopted by the International Confederation of Midwives Council, Manila, Philippines.
In English,
In Spanish 02-08
Bhuiya A, Aziz A, Chowdhury M.
Ordeal of women for induced abortion in a rural area of Bangladesh.
J Health Popul Nutr 2001 Dec;19(4):281-90 Abstract 1-1
Varkey SJ, Fonn S, Kethapile M. The role of advocacy in implementing tha South African Abortion Law. Reproductive Health Matters, 2000; 8(16): 103-111 Abstract 1-2
1-3. Varkey P, Balakrishna PP, Prasad JH, Abraham S, Joseph A.The reality of unsafe abortion in a rural community in South India.
Reprod Health Matters 2000 Nov;8(16):83-91 Abstract 1-3
Dickson-Tetteh K, Rees H. Efforts to reduce Abortion-Related Mortality in South Africa. In: Berer M, Ravindran TK, eds. Safe Motherhood Initiatives. Critical Issues, 1999, pp. 190-197.
Rogo K, Bohmer L, Ombaka C. Community level dynamics of unsafe abortion in Western Kenys and opportunities for prevention: Summary of findings and recommendations from pre-intervention research. Pacific Institure for women's Health. Los Angeles, California, 1999.
WHO. Abortion in Vietnam: an assessment of policy, progtam and reseacch issues, Generva, World Health Organization, 1999. Document no WHO/RHR/ITT/99.2
Quoc Anh N, Hoang Kim Dung. Induced abortion : Present situation, the affecting factors and solutions. Vietnam Demographic and Health Survey, 1997.
Rees H et al. The epidemiology of Unsafe Abortion in South Africa. South African Medical Journal 1997; 87(4):432-437.
Goodkind D. Abortion in Vietnam: Measurement, puzzles, and concerns. Studies in Family Planning, 1996, 25(6):342-352.
Choicde on Termination of Pregnancy Act 96, Capetown: South African Government Gazette, 1996
Section 2. Abortion technologies
Under this heading you will find articles, documents and reports on
- Menstrual regulation, MVA
- Surgical methods, VA, D&C
- Medical methods
- Second trimester abortions
- Post Abortion Care
Talluri-Rao, Sudha, MPH; Baird, Traci L., MPH
Information and Training Guide for Medical-Abortion Counseling. ISBN Number: 1-882220-47-1 Chapel Hill, NC: Ipas, 2003.
Publication in .pdf-format
Ipas Unsafe Abortion: A Neglected Crisis in Women’s Health. A new video from Ipas.
Information in pdf-format 03-07
Burke Anne E., MD; Moore Kirsten, MPA; Blumenthal Paul D., MD, MPH
Mife A Forward Look Back Medscape Women's Health eJournal 7(2), 2002. © 2002 Medscape Portals, Inc. On-line article 02-03
JAMWA. Twentytwo articles on medical abortion in Journal of the American Medical Women's Association (JAMWA) 2000;55(3): Supplement.
Abstract 2-3. 02-03
Creinin MD. 2001, Medical abortion regimens: historical context and overview. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2000;183:S3-9. Abstract 2-1. 02-03
Newhall EP, Winikoff B. 2000. Abortion with mifepristone and misoprostol: regimens, efficacy, acceptability and future directions. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2000;183:S44-53. Abstract 2-2
Elul B, Ellertson C, Winikoff B, Coyaji K. 1999. Side effects of mifepristone-misoprostol abortion versus surgical abortion. Data from a trial in China, Cuba, and India. Contraception 1999;59:107-14.
Cabezas E. 1998. Medical versus surgical abortion. Int J Gynaecol Obstet 1998; 63 Suppl 1:S141-146.
Kaseba C, Phiri D, Camlin C, et al. The situation analysis of Post Abortion Care in Zambia. USAID/REDSO/ESA, 1998.
Vach H.T, Bishop A. The potential impact of introducing pre-testing in to MR service in Vietnam, International Family Planning Perspective, 1998; 24(4): 165-169.
Winikoff B, Ellertson C, Elul B, Sivin I. 1998. Acceptability and feasibility of early pregnancy termination by mifepristone-misoprostol. Results of a large multicenter trial in the United States. Mifepristone Clinical Trials Group. Archives of Family Medicine 1998;7:360-6.
Grimes DA. 1997. Medical abortion in early pregnancy: a review of the evidence. Obstet Gynecol. 1997;89:790-796
Section 3. Service delivery
Under this heading you will find articles, guidelines and reports on
- Standards of care, protocols and guidelines
- Level of health care system
- Equipment and supply
- Monitoring, assessment evaluation
- Clinical studies, methods and protocols
- Client satisfaction, quality of care
Rasch, Vibeke. Unsafe abortion in Tanzania. An empathetic approach to improve postabortion quality of care.
Dissertation. IHCAR, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm Sweden. 2003. ISBN 91-7349-554-9. 03-06
Beckman LJ, Harvey SM, Satre SJ.The delivery of medical abortion services: the views of experienced providers. Womens Health Issues 2002 Mar-Apr;12(2):103-12. Article in .pdf-format 02-03
Althause FA. Work in Progress: The expansion of access to abortion services in South Africa following legalization. International Family Planning Perspectives, 2000; 26(2): 84-86. On-line article
Varkey SJ. Abortion Services in South Africa 2000: Available yet not accessible to all. International Family Planning Perspectives, 2000; 26(2): 87-88. On-line article
Dickson-Tetteh K et al. Abortion Care Manual: A Guide for the Training of Registered Midwives in Termination of Pregnnacy, Management of Incomplete Abortions and Related Reproductive Health Matters. Johanensburg, South Africa, 1998. Reproductice Health Research Unit and Ipas.
Henshaw, SK. 1998, Abortion incidence and services in the United States, 1995-1996. Fam Plan Persp 1998; 30 (6): 263-270 & 287.
Holmgren K, 1992. Women's evaluation of three early abortion methods. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 1992;71:616-23.
Section 4. Providers of abortion services
Under this heading you will find articles, protocols and reports on
- Competence and performance in reproductive health care
- Education and training for physicians and other categories of health personnel
- Quality of care,
- Qualifications, examination, registration
- Clinical studies on provider performance
Castañeda X, Billings DL, Blanco J. Abortion Beliefs and Practices among
Midwives (Parteras) in a Rural Mexican Township. Women and Health, 2002. (to be published November 2002). 02-10
Billings DL, Moreno C, Ramos C, Gonzalez de Leon D, Ramirez R, Villasenor Martinez L, Rivera Diaz M. Constructing access to legal abortion services in Mexico City. Reprod Health Matters 2002 May;10(19):86-94. Abstract. 02-10
Dickson-Tetteh K, Billings DL. Abortion care Services Provided by registered Midwives in South Africa. International Family Planning Perspectives, 28(3):144-150, 2002. On line article 02-10
Miller S, Billings D, Clifford B.
Midwives and postabortion care: Experiences, opinions, and attitudes among participants at the 25th Triennial Congress of the International Confederation of Midwives.
J. Midwifery & Womens Health; 47(4); July/Aug 2002:247-255. Abstract 02-07
Kruse, B, Gordon R, Jini Tanenhaus, J. 2001. The Role of Midlevel Providers in Abortion Care in the United States, Country Report 2001
Goldman MB, Occhiuto JS, Peterson L et.al. 2001. Physician assistants as providers of surgical induced abortion: A comparison of complication rates. (in press)
Johnston MR .2001 Results of counselor survey: Abortion counseling: Defining the "State of the Art". Persp Options Counseling 2001; 1:1-5.
Jones BS, Heller S. 2000. Providing medical abortion: Legal issues of relevance to providers.
JAMWA 2000; 55 (S3):145-150. Abstract 4-1
Ndhlovu M. Nurses experiences of abortion in South Africa and Zambia. Unpublished thesis. University of Western Cape, 1999.
National Abortion Federation 1997. The role of physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and nurse-midwives in providing abortions. National Abortion Federation, 1997.
Steinauer JE, DePineres T, Robert AM et.al. 1997. Training family practice residents in abortion and other reproductive health care: A nationwide survey. Fam Plan Persp 1997; 29:222-227.
Marais T. Abortion Value Clarification Workshop for Doctors and Nurses, HST Update, 1997, Issue no. 21
MacKay HT, MacKay AP. 1995 Abortion Training in obstetrics and gynecology residency programs in the United States 1991-1992. Fam Plan Persp 1995; 27:112-115.